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Your quote is provided risk-free and includes a free guide with 4 money saving tips.

Sponsored Group Discount

Preferred Health Discount

Married / Partner Discount

Your alumnae/i association has obtained exclusive member discounts not available to the general public. Learn about your savings and benefits by inquiring today. 

Complete the form below to learn what other discounts you may qualify for.

Privacy & Security - Your alumnae/i insurance program is administered by Meyer and Associates. Your personal information is never sold or shared with any party not directly involved in fulfilling the requests associated with this offer.  All forms are secured using SSL encryption. A licensed producer will contact you to discuss your quote. The Alumnae/i Association receives an administrative fee from the administrator that provides this program. Revenue earned through this partnership will support alumnae/i programing.

*Pricing is based upon age, health, carrier and benefit selection which may vary by member and by state.

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